

How to Face Food and Fitness Challenges During COVID-19

If anyone had told us a year ago that we would be facing a global pandemic – one that would cause the entire world to go on lockdown – no one would have believed it. But here we are.While some states have begun to reopen, there are still many areas where children are not going to school and adults are...[ read more ]

5 Strategies to Calm Your Anxiety Quickly

When you live with an anxiety disorder, any moment can become one that creates a slow-rising panic within you. Life is normal one second and the next, you feel your chest tighten and your heart begin to race. You may begin to hyperfocus on future events and find yourself getting lost in “what-ifs.”To make matters worse, you may then begin...[ read more ]

Lean on Me: Why People with a Mental Health Crisis Need a Support Network

Human beings have a need for social connection. It stems from our ancestors needing to stick together to stay alive. Back in the day, those individuals who strayed from the group had a harder time surviving the elements and not starving to death.While it is far safer to be an individual these days, that doesn’t mean it is healthy for...[ read more ]

Let Go and Let God – Faith-Based Therapy for Christians

Can spirituality and religion be used as a therapeutic strategy? More and more mental health professionals are finding that God can offer some of their clients more direction than they can.In the past, many Christians have neglected to get the help they need from a counselor because they were afraid their belief in God would be ignored or, worse, belittled....[ read more ]

Therapy vs. Antidepressants – Which One is Better?

If you are someone who has been experiencing depression, you may recognize that you need help, but you may be confused as to what therapies will work best for you.In today’s world, where there seems to be a pill to treat pretty much everything, many people assume that a prescribed antidepressant is the best option for them. In fact, a...[ read more ]

Self-Care: What is it and why should I care? Part 2 of 2

Self-Care: What is it and why should I care? By: Makena Lengquist, MA, PLPC, LPC, NCC To deconstruct self-care, I will address these questions in two parts: Part One: What is Self-Care? Part Two: Why is Self-Care Important? Welcome to Part Two. Why is self-care so important? As humans, we have a need to feel worthy and important. Having positive...[ read more ]

Self-Care: What is it and why should I care? Part 1 of 2

Self-Care: What is it and why should I care? By: Makena Lengquist, MA, PLPC, LPC, NCC To deconstruct self-care, I will address these questions in two parts: Part One: What is Self-Care? Part Two: Why is Self-Care Important? Welcome to Part One. What is Self-Care? Self-care is the practice of taking care of your personal needs as a way to...[ read more ]

Setting the Stage for Good Sleep

by Alicia Polk, PLPC, LPC, BC-TMH, GC-C In the same way we have personal hygiene and we do things like shower, wash our hair, and put on deodorant, we also have what is called sleep hygiene. So what is sleep hygiene? It’s the collection of behaviors you do which can either hurt or help your chances of getting good quality...[ read more ]

8826 Santa Fe Drive, Suite 210
Overland Park, KS 66212
(913) 346-7262

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